
libibverbs-1.0.4.tar.gz (updated 10/31/06)
libibverbs is a library that allows programs to use InfiniBand "verbs" for direct access to IB hardware from userspace. (md5sum f075cef91b9a1d3445c3859cb7880b2f)

(updated 10/23/06)
OFED 1.1 release (md5sum a483c93548e8316ac83e49fc49a14950)

ofed-1.0-sles10-rpms_i686.tar.gz (updated 8/01/06)
OFED 1.0 release for i686 SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 (md5sum 9c4fb68e09ec824cf876b11e7fc3ebd8)

ofed-1.0-sles10-rpms_x86_64.tar.gz (updated 8/01/06)
OFED 1.0 release for x86_64 SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 (md5sum 6120e9988bc29e2fdeba7cbe54d9817c)

README_ofed_sles10 (updated 8/01/06)
README file for OFED 1.0 release on SLES10 (md5sum ea38effcef3a1d0aac69bb5f0d2eeac8)

OFED-1.0.tgz (updated 6/16/06) (OFED-1.0.tgz.md5sum)
OpenFabrics Enterprise Distribution 1.0 release contains the following software components:
o OpenFabrics core and ULPs:
- HCA drivers (ehca, mthca, ipath)
- core
- Upper Layer Protocols: IPoIB, SDP, SRP Initiator, iSER Initiator, RDS and uDAPL
o OpenFabrics utilities:
- OpenSM: InfiniBand Subnet Manager
- Diagnostic tools
- Performance tests
o MPI:
- OSU MPI stack supporting the InfiniBand interface
- Open MPI stack supporting the InfiniBand interface
- MPI benchmark tests (OSU BW/LAT, Pallas, Presta)
o Sources of all software modules (under conditions mentioned in the modules' LICENSE files)
o Documentation

(updated 6/13/06)


Most of these files are now obsolete. Please refer to the Subversion code repository for the latest software.

OpenFabrics RPMs for RedHat Enterprise Linux 4
Links to the i686, ia64, and x86_64 OpenFabrics RPMS for RHEL4.

Source rpm for OpenIB user space support.

Binary rpm for OpenIB user space support for x86_64 architecture.

MVAPICH source rpm with OpenIB support

MVAPICH binary rpm with OpenIB support

(updated 5/1/06)
libibverbs is a library that allows programs to use InfiniBand "verbs" for direct access to IB hardware from userspace.

Generic readme.txt file

license.txt BSD license file

This file gives a basic outline of installing and using the kernel components of the InfiniBand stack. For use with 2.6 kernel tree.

This file gives a basic outline of installing and using the kernel components of the InfiniBand stack. For use with 2.4 kernel tree.

Information regarding SDP sources

This file gives a basic outline of building the userspace components

Mellanox InfiniBand Verbs API (VAPI) Documentation of the InfiniBand stack.