[openfabrics-ewg] Getting EWG off to a rapid and positive sta rt

Florin, Reini
Thu Mar 16 11:52:14 PST 2006

Speaking for SilverStorm, I agree fully with Sujal's process suggestions and process proposal below with one added comment.
Since the EWG will be a distribution not a release, I think it is important that we make sure we cover the two primary goals that were the genesis of the EWG concept 1) Provide a single distribution to users that has multivendor guaranteed component interoperability and 2) Provide a distribution to users that has supportable, enterprise class components
I suggest that the distribution, in addition to the "support" based classifications Sujal suggests below also incorporate "interoperability" based logic in the component classifications.
One suggested expanded definition approach to Sujal's below:
1) Basic Component  = All vendors that will be offering the EWG distribution to the market agree to interoperability, enterprise quality, and support for basic components (IE. Core, IPoIB, etc.)   
2) Add-on Component = Full multivendor interoperability and support is not guaranteed to the user for an add-on component but the component is guaranteed to be enterprise quality and support for the component is provided by one or more vendors (IE. iSER, SRP, SDP, etc)
3) Technology preview = No multivendor interoperability guarantee and no vendor support at all ..... these components are at your own risk components in the distribution (MVAPICH?)     

Reini Florin 

Vice President of Marketing 
SilverStorm Technologies

E-mail: rflorin at silverstorm.com

-----Original Message-----
From: openfabrics-ewg-bounces at openib.org [mailto:openfabrics-ewg-bounces at openib.org]On Behalf Of Sujal Das
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 1:51 PM
To: Openfabrics-ewg at openib.org
Subject: RE: [openfabrics-ewg] Getting EWG off to a rapid and positive sta rt

Bryan ,

Thanks for leading the discussion.  I have tried to address some of the questions in the proposal below.


Here is a strawman proposal for the EWG Distribution process.  I would like to call a meeting of the EWG members on Monday between at 11:30 AM PST (this time works for the folks in Israel).  PLEASE CONFIRM:

KEY PEOPLE in the process:

1. The EWG needs a CHAIR, per Open Fabrics Bylaws who needs to be approved by the BOD.  The Chair is a liaison between the EWG and the BOD.  Will communicate the existence and purpose of the EWG to OpenFabrics-General.

2. RELEASE COORDINATOR who drives the upcoming release.  Drives decisions collaboratively to enable stable, supportable release of EWG Distribution on schedule.  Defines: Which software components are included? Which hardware components are intended to work?

3. Open Fabrics Release Committee Lead - the OFR LEAD (what Bryan from PathScale is today)

4. TEST LEADS from each Company.  Decides: Which distros are targeted? What is the test matrix? What documentation will be written up for customers?

5. MAINTAINERS and backups (B-MAINTAINER) for each component in EWG: Calls dedicated technical meetings to ensure delivery, code/feature completeness.


Suggested schedules:

EWG Distribution 1.0 - sync with OFR Release 1.0 date of May 8.

EWG Distribution 1.1 - Sept (4 months delta between releases)


Proposal for electing the KEY PEOPLE:

1. CHAIR is elected on a rotating basis - changing every 4 months with EWG release completions.  Represented by system companies - Cisco, Voltaire, SilverStorm.  In alphabetical order.  So, starts with Cisco as the CHAIR. Storage vendors like LSI if they meet the criteria to a EWG member can be eligible to be CHAIR as well.  First proposed rotation is after EWG Distribution 1.1 (May 8 being too close).  If that is a problem, it could be Matt representing a neutral party.

2. RELEASE COORDINATOR is elected from either Mellanox or PathScale on a rotating basis - changing every 4 months with EWG release completions.  Change will be decided when the time comes based on voting or recent past effectiveness etc. This person must be commercially neutral to the system companies who compete in the end user space.  At any time Mellanox or PathScale will be the RELEASE COORDINATOR or OFR LEAD, not both.  Currently Pathscale is OFR LEAD.  So Mellanox will be RELEASE COORDINATOR.  First possible rotation (based on voting, effectiveness etc.) is after EWG Distribution 1.1 (May 8 being too close)

3. OFR LEAD is elected from either Mellanox or PathScale on a rotating basis - changing every 4 months with EWG release completions.  Change will be decided when the time comes based on voting or recent past effectiveness etc. This person must be commercially neutral to the system companies who compete in the end user space.  At any time Mellanox or PathScale will be the RELEASE COORDINATOR or OFR LEAD, not both.  Currently Pathscale is OFR LEAD.  So Mellanox will be RELEASE COORDINATOR.  First possible rotation (based on voting, effectiveness etc.) is after EWG Distribution 1.1 (May 8 being too close)

4. TEST LEADS - elected by individual companies.  Scott from Cisco, Bob from SST, Moni from V, Amit from Mellanox, Betsy from Pathscale.  

5. MAINTAINERS (B-MAINTAINERS): Selected based on who is currently maintaining.  MAINTAINER selects B-MAINTAINER based on technical expertise, past contributions.  Here are MAINTAINERS and suggestions for B-MAINTAINERS:

o MTHCA - Roland (Michael Tsirkin)

o IPATH - Roland (Bryan)

o Core - Roland (Bryan) 

o IPoIB - Roland (Eli Cohen)

o SDP - Michael Tsirkin (?)

o SRP - Roland (Vu)

o iSER - Moni (?)

o RDS - Todd (?)

o MVAPICH - ?? (ideally would like companies with vested interest to productize MVAPICH)

o Open MPI - ?? (ideally would like companies with vested interest to productize Open MPI)

o OSM - Eitan (Hal)  (ideally would like companies with vested interest to productize OSM)

o Diagnostic Tools - Eitan (Hal)



They fall under 3 categories:


o Depending on vendors desire/ability to qualify and support BASE COMPONENTS - some may be released and supported by vendors as TECH PREVIEW only.  E.g., iSER could be TECH PREVIEW for Cisco.  SRP could be TECH PREVIEW for Voltaire.  RDS could be TECH PREVIEW for all etc.  The goal is to get TECH PREVIEW components graduate to supported BASE COMPONENTS in the EWG Distribution 1.1 scheduled for September.

o ADD-ON - These will be added in Vendor specific distributions as add-ons on top of (and not replacing) BASE COMPONENTS. OSM, Proprietary SM, Proprietary MPI, other value added management and tools etc fall in this category



Copy a specific trunk/branch version to EWG area you can call this a tag. The main idea of a tag is that you do not commit changes to the tagged area.

In addition there is a directory called patches where EWG places the fixes wanted that were not in the trunk/branch.  The OFR LEAD folds those into the OFR-RC branch immediately.  Coordinated with RELEASE COORDINATOR as necessary.

Continue copy of trunk/branch to the tag few times till EWG gets to the point it wants to freeze code. From this point (regression test phase) EWG only adds patches (some can be EWG fixes and some from the trunk/branch).

We need a discussion on the contents of the OFR rc1 branch - whether it meets the need of end users defined by the EWG and if that needs to be updated (as rc2) based on feedback from EWG.



-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan O'Sullivan [ mailto:bos at pathscale.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 9:36 AM
To: Openfabrics-ewg at openib.org
Subject: [openfabrics-ewg] Getting EWG off to a rapid and positive start

Hello -

I'll be PathScale's engineering and testing representative on the EWG.

I would suggest that we start by clarifying the goals of the EWG

process, so that everyone is in sync.

My principal interest is in ensuring that there is no duplicated or

wasted effort between the 1.0 process and the EWG process, and that each

can proceed at its own appropriate pace with maximal cooperation between

the two.

What I believe is a good way to achieve this is as follows.

Somebody needs to articulate the goals of the EWG process, and the

timeline in which it will take place.  Here are some suggestions I have.

      * The existence of EWG should be made public on openib-general,

        and it must be made clear that there is cooperation, not

        duplication, between the 1.0 and EWG processes.

      * Which software components are included?

      * Which hardware components are intended to work?

      * Which distros are targeted?

      * What is the test matrix?

      * What documentation will be written up for customers?

      * How long is the support window?

      * What's the policy with respect to switching to the official 1.0

        and subsequent releases?

To get the testing and defect fixing balls rolling as quickly as

possible, EWG contributors ought to use the 1.0 release candidate tree

at https://openib.org/svn/gen2/branches/1.0/ as its initial basis for

source code to build and test.  You can download source tarballs and

some RPM packages from 

It's fine with me if EWG branches from 1.0 so that it can proceed at its

own pace.  However, if this happens, there must be frequent merges

between the two trees, because clearly everything that happens in one

branch ought to be beneficial to the other.

The mechanism that EWG uses to track defects should be OpenIB Bugzilla.

I believe it's already configured in an appropriate manner.  If not, I

will be happy to make any needed changes, or ask our colleagues at

Sandia to help out.

        openfabrics-ewg at openib.org


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